I got to make dump truck cookies AND a cake for my little buddy Alex, who just turned 3. I've been babysitting Alex since he was 20 months old. For his 2nd birthday, it was all about Brobee. Lately though, Alex is so into TRUCKS that I was not surprised when Amanda ordered some construction truck cookies to bring to Alex's "preschool" class. I got to pick the specific kind of truck since they were all fair game for Alex so I went with Dump Trucks. Why not! Amanda reports that all the kids played with their cookies before eating them. Some kids even asked for "seconds". Cute! Here are the cookies:

I also made a really small cake just for Alex and his parents to bring out to his little birthday dinner. It is only a 6" cake so that will give you an idea of how small the little dump truck fondant cake topper is. I dropped it off while Alex was napping and Alex "FaceTime-d" me when he woke up to say thank you. He was so cute and sleepy but still so excited about it. That made my day.

I have clocked some time playing with Alex's trucks so I've come to appreciate all the little things he appreciates in his toys -- he inspects all the little plastic parts -- checks if they have windshield wipers, exhausts, gear shifters, grills, fans ... so I really wanted to try and get as much on there as I could. The kid doesn't miss a trick. :) I actually even put a miniature banana on the dashboard, which is a little "inside joke". (Basically, we always run to the window to watch the garbage man collect the trash bins. Highlight of everyone's day, obviously. Alex noticed "the dude" (his words) had a banana on the dashboard one day. Since then we always check, and there is always one banana on the dashboard. It's funny to us. You had to be there, I guess.)
I was very happy to hear that he played with his fondant truck at the restaurant. The next day, I saw that he even added a little something extra to the back of the dump truck with the chocolate rocks... An almond.
Love this kid much too much and can't wait to see what three brings!