I recently got a unique request for Bachelorette cookies for a "throwback" slumber party. The sister of the bride-to-be decided that the most appropriate theme for the cookies would be Sound of Music. After all, her sister has always loved the movie and even her proposal was Sound of Music inspired. I know, I kinda want to see that proposal too. Unfortunately, we just have to imagine what it would be like. However, if your curious what a Sound of Music inspired Bachelorette party favor looks like, I got the goods right here. I also happened to really like that movie growing up so I knew it well. When I started brainstorming, I remembered the outfits that Julie Andrews sews for the children out of the ivory and green brocade drapes. Having any flashbacks yet? I'll refresh your memory here:
I knew that I happened to have a bridal cookie stencil that looks like this (the one on the right):

Something clicked and it almost seemed too good to be true. Then, I had another idea for the tag that made me think this cookie was meant to happen. The hills were alive, if you know what I'm saying. Here's the final product!

Now I want to watch this movie again. On VHS.